Titusville Area Housing Collaborative
The Titusville Area Housing Collaborative is place to share resources and information about housing needs and opportunities in the Titusville Area. They welcome posts by landlords to announce their vacancies and posts by those seeking housing. Their goal is to advocate for quality housing in the greater Titusville Area.
This significant concentration of older homes and vacant properties is currently a challenge for Titusville, but with the right plan in place, it could become an opportunity to:
- Maintain population by keeping homeowners in their homes
- Attract new homeowners and renters to Titusville
- Disrupt the blight cycle by incentivizing property maintenance and reinvestment
- Stabilize the character of existing neighborhoods
The recent introduction of the Titusville Rental Licensing Program is a proactive approach to blight prevention and sets a precedent for an effective vacant property registry which is in the works by the Housing Team.
Need information about the City of Titusville Housing Code, zoning, utilities, or any other ordinance? Check out the City’s Ordinances page on their website.
Need a permit, looking for a form, or any other type of application for the City of Titusville? Check out the Permits & Forms page on the City’s website.
Historic Properties & Preservation
Titusville already demonstrates an appreciation for its historic structures, with a ~170 acre National Historic District at the City center. As of 2017, roughly 406 of the historic district’s structures are registered as “contributing” to Titusville’s historical significance. These designated structures represent economic opportunity through redevelopment initiatives that would attract valuable capital to the City’s historic core. The City has developed the Titusville Historic Design Guide to support and encourage the preservation of these historic buildings.
Grant funding and tax credits available through Pennsylvania’s State Historic Preservation Office are a valuable resource.
Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants (USDA)
The USDA’s Section 504 Home Repair program, provides loans to very-low-income homeowners to repair, improve or modernize their homes or grants to elderly very-low-income homeowners to remove health and safety hazards.
Due Date: Accepted year round, contact local USDA Home Loan office
Amount: Max Grant: $7,500; Max Loan: $20,000
For more information, click here.
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Grants from the Mitchell Fund are awarded for planning activities and education efforts focused on the preservation of historic interiors. Grants may be made for activities and projects such as:
- Obtaining professional expertise in areas such as architecture, planning, paint analysis, archeology, or graphic design
- Hiring a preservation architect to create an interior restoration plan
- Hiring a consultant to develop a conservation plan for an interior’s textiles
- Producing a historic furnishings plan
- Sponsoring a workshop on the preservation of historic interiors
- Restoration, rehabilitation, stabilization, and preservation of designated historic interiors, including bricks-and-mortar interior construction
Amount: $2,500 – $15,000
For more information, click here.
PA State Historic Preservation Office: Grants and Tax Credits
The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) administers multiple funding programs. Grant programs are available to nonprofit organizations and local governments. Tax credits are available to owners of certified historic buildings in income producing use. There are no grant or tax credit programs available to private homeowners. This section provides information about each program and type of grant and tax credit.